Healthcare apps now available on prescription

Health apps on prescription are well suited to complement existing healthcare offerings in Germany and can push forward the urgently needed digitization of the German healthcare system. 76 percent of the German population aged 16 and above or 53 million people are using a smartphone. Health apps make it easy to document e.g. blood sugar levels, monitor a diet or take steps against migraines, while maintaining data privacy as the same time.

But even the best apps won't help anybody if doctors won't prescribe them. It is thus important that doctors embrace the new digital possibilities and that politicians and health insurers provide sufficient information about the benefits, applicability and available prescription options. Having access to information and being well informed are preconditions for digital health applications to be able to develop their full potential for all insured. The German population is very open to such innovation: 59 percent can imagine using apps on prescription, 40 percent even want to actively ask their doctors about it, as a recent Bitkom survey conducted in summer 2020 found out. Adding more apps to the DIGA-directory is therefore a priority.

Bitcom Survey Results

DIGA Directory

Source: Bitcom

Bitkom zu Gesundheits-Apps auf Rezept
„Gesundheits-Apps auf Rezept können das bisherige medizinische Angebot in Deutschland sehr gut ergänzen und bringen die dringend notwendige Digitalisierung des Gesundheitssystems einen großen Schritt voran.”