According to a recent survey conducted by SWZD among 1000+ tech buyers across Europe and North America, the vast majority of companies expect to keep up IT-budgets in 2021 despite continued cost pressure from COVID-19.

Indeed, according to the same survey, COVID-19 has been a catalyst for business transformation and long-term IT changes for 76% of businesses. Updating the IT infrastructure, an increased priority on IT projects, escalating security concerns and changes to business operations due to COVID-19 are at the top of the agenda.
Another study recently conducted by IDG Research Services / CIO-Magazin and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management among 275 IT-decision-makers from DACH companies confirms this trend and finds that those who see themselves as “digital leaders” plan significantly higher IT investments than the digital followers and digital laggards. Instead of catching up, the current digital followers and digital laggards run the risk of falling hopelessly behind in the digital competition. Thus, the digital divide is growing.
Under such circumstances it becomes more important than ever to stretch budgets as much as possible and make sure that the business value from IT is fully captured. The time for digital trial & error seems to be over as project delays and failures become much harder to justify.
Unfortunately, this happens at a moment when most companies still lack the proper instrumentation to manage digitalization challenges such as IT rationalization, negotiating and controlling agile development budgets, optimizing internal and external developer processes or setting up effective eco-system interfaces.
By combining the IT-sourcing experience and best practices of our partner company Emarticon with the agile development and technology expertise of dots&bits we have developed a new pragmatic and results-driven approach to IT-sourcing, IT-budget control and instrumentation that enables our clients to reduce the costs of digital transformation and longterm IT changes by up to 70%.
Please contact us to learn more about our approach and let us explore together your sourcing potential.
Source: dots&bits